An Interview With Darby
by Pete
Question: So, Dude, what's your favorite color?
Darby: Blue.
Q: Pick a number from one to ten.
Darby: What?
Q: Dude, I ask the questions.
Darby: That's not a question.
Q: Fine. Will you pick a number from one to ten?
Darby: You need better questions.
Q: I've got great questions.
Darby: Then ask me some.
Q: Okay. What's up with you and that little red-haired chick in P.E.?
Darby: What are you talking about?
Q: I saw the two of you whispering and giggling
Darby: We're just friends.
Q: Sure, smoochie-smoochie friends.
Darby: This is supposed to be a serious interview.
Q: Oooo, Darby, you're sooo cute when you get mad. Smoochie smoochie.
Darby: Cut it out, Dork-face.
Q: Darby's got a girlfriend. Darby's got a girlfriend.
Darby: That does it. You're dead meat.
Q: Hey, get off me, Lizard-breath.
Darby: Then, get serious and start asking some real questions.
Q: Okay, okay. I'll ask some real questions.
Darby: Finally.
Q: Okay. Darby.
Darby: Yes.
Q: Did you just cut the cheese?
Darby: Pete!!!
All Materials Copyrighted 2001 James J. Jenkins